
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Join A Church?: Fighting the "No Organized Religion" Arguement

Some of us grew up in families where our parents forced us to go to church. I know in my household, church was not an option, it was simply a requirement. I can remember being at a place in my spirituality that I didn't understand the purpose of joining a church family. Now, I don't know what my life would be like without a church family that keeps me sharp.

If you didn't know, Jesus, himself, attended church! It is evident in scripture when He wandered away from his parents, Mary and Joseph, to the local church (temple). When Mary and Joseph finally located Him, His explanation for His disappearance was "… How is it that you had to look for me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary for Me to be in My Father's house and about My Father's business?" (Luke 2:49, AMP) Even after this as an adult, one place you would always find Jesus was at the temple teaching about God. So, as you can see, Jesus was at church. If we strive to be like Christ and that Jesus is The Christ, then we should be at church like him right?

Another reason to join a local church is that we all need to rely on each other as Christians and believers. No one person has all of the anointing, revelations, gifts, or power...not even the preacher/bishop, etc. So, we all have to rely heavily on each other. So, in order for us to get all that is available to us, we have to be able to receive from somebody else and accept somebody else's ministry, call, and anointing. Only then can we experience the totality of all that Jesus has made available for us. Don't worry about fitting in or if the members of the church will receive you well. That's NOT the determining factor. This is explained and revealed in Matthew 10:40 as it's stated that if they receive you, then they have received Jesus, and God who sent Him. In other words, whatever part of the body they decide not to receive, then we are not receiving Jesus, nor the Heavenly Father for that matter. You just need to be sure that the church is helping you to grow as a Christian.

God wants you to desire His presence and have joy when you are in His house of worship. Follow the example of this ardent psalmist, who with a fervent heart toward God proclaimed, "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of host! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and flesh crieth out for the living God …O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah" (Psalm 84:1—4).

So, I challenge you to go out and find a church home now. It doesn't matter the size, the denomination, etc. It matters that you are putting yourself in the presence of God and doing the work of His kingdom with fellow like-minded believers so you can benefit and growth from each others' annointing. God wants you in HIS church! If you're in His church, then the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)



  1. Amen brother. You certainly have come a long way.

  2. Excellent! I love the point that you make that God did not give all of the gifts and revelations to one person! KEEP WRITING!!!!
